You Have Arrived

You're here, and I'm glad for it...even if you aren't. But I hope you soon will be.

I am a self-declared spastic Sophomore here at the University of Arizona. The basic idea behind this project is that college life is weird, wonderful, and sometimes downright awful. I started this blog because I know I'm not alone - that there are millions of people out there, spastic or not, who could use an encouraging word or humorous story now and then. If through my experiences, thoughts, and actions, I can be a conduit for joy, I'll gladly tell the world (or at least the blogosphere) of my spastic escapades.

Read on, brave patrons, and enjoy.

Friday, February 11, 2011

The Sanctity of Starbucks

Good morning, World!

      As I type, I am sitting in the Starbucks on University Boulevard, in a quiet corner by the window and sipping a steaming mocha latte. Life is good. Apparently, when I'm happy, I'm some kind of magnet for other happy people. Allow me to explain.
     When I first walked in here with the hope of sitting down with my coffee and doing some serious studying, I was bummed. It was packed - the line was nearly out the door and every table and chair was taken. So I got my latte and was headed for the door when I noticed a small table in the perfect little niche - away from the bustle and noise. No kidding, people, away from the noise. In Starbucks. And no, to my knowledge, pigs have yet to fly. But at this point, I'd say it's pretty likely.
     So a random guy walks through the door, gets a couple steps past my table, and then spins around, beaming. "You know, that's really cozy," he says. He turns away, then back again. "Seriously. I've worked in about a million Starbucks all around the country, and I always try to find the best, quietest spots. But that, that's gotta be the coziest. Nice job."
     There you have it, folks. I, Chelsea Linehan, have found the coziest corner in the country. Am I proud of myself? Absolutely.

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