You Have Arrived

You're here, and I'm glad for it...even if you aren't. But I hope you soon will be.

I am a self-declared spastic Sophomore here at the University of Arizona. The basic idea behind this project is that college life is weird, wonderful, and sometimes downright awful. I started this blog because I know I'm not alone - that there are millions of people out there, spastic or not, who could use an encouraging word or humorous story now and then. If through my experiences, thoughts, and actions, I can be a conduit for joy, I'll gladly tell the world (or at least the blogosphere) of my spastic escapades.

Read on, brave patrons, and enjoy.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

I'm Not a Creeper. I Just Like to Creep.

     If there's one thing I've learned from the internet it's that, if you're going to stalk, you never do it half-way. In fact, in this day and age, any half-hearted creeping is an insult to the World Wide Web itself, and all who use it. Keep in mind, I'm not talking about the real, creepy flavor of creeping...that's just wrong. I'm talking about the innocent variety. And yes, it exists.
     I've stalked plenty of people. Don't judge me. You get bored, right? Don't tell me you don't - I know there's no way your life is that interesting. Think about what you do to alleviate that boredom. It's fun, isn't it? Well, when I get bored, I stalk people. Cool people. Now, before you get all butt-hurt because I haven't stalked you, consider this: maybe I haven't gotten around to it yet. Or maybe I have and I'm just so good you never noticed. Okay, so I suppose there's always the possibility that you aren't cool enough, but let's just assume it's one of the first two.
     My current stalkee is Mr. Zachary Levi - actor, director, singer, and professional nerd. To all of you out there who have yet to stalk Mr. Levi (go on, do it...I know you want to), he might be better known as Chuck Bartowski, AKA Special Agent Charles Carmichael. Sidenote: anyone with no idea who I'm talking about, get off my blog...Relax, I'm totally kidding. But really, the show's called Chuck. Look it up; you'll be glad you did.
     I'm going to preface this by saying that I am not the only internet stalker he has. I don't even want to know how many are actually out there, or how much farther they take the whole thing than even me...Anyways, back to Zac. Ooo! Perfect example of my stalking skills. By way of a rather obscure, impromptu interview on YouTube, I know that he is very particular about the spelling of his short name. It's not Zach, Zak, or (God forbid you use this version) Zack. It's Zac. And don't you forget it.
     Thanks to the many services offered by my friend The Internet, I had, and took, the opportunity to follow Zac's summer-long vacation in real time. Photo albums on Facebook, tweets, and live video streaming. You might say I lived my dream of a European tour vicariously through him. Venice is fantastic, by the way. There you go judging again. Knock it off before I creep your Facebook pages and ridicule your hobbies.
     I own all three seasons of Chuck and carve out a spot in my busy, college-ridden Monday nights to watch every new episode of season four. I also own Chuck apparel - Nerd Herd (featured in the photo on the left) and Stay In the Car T-shirts, and an Orange-Orange hoodie. I bought a pair of Converse All-Stars specifically to match. I plan on purchasing Mr. Levi's official "NERD" apparel as well. You may think I'm spicing this whole thing up just to make it interesting. Trust me, it's all true.
     One more thing before I go. One night several months ago, my Dad came home from a night working security (Phoenix Police) at some big shindig downtown. No sooner did he walk in the door than he called the entire family into the living room, pointing excitedly at his left hand.
     "You see this hand? Touch it. Go on, touch my hand. This is the hand that shook the hand of that guy who plays Chuck on Chuck. What's his name?"
     "Zachary Levi!" was my remarkably high-pitched reply. I couldn't believe it. Apparently, Dad had run into Mr. Levi after the event, introduced himself with a "My whole family loves the show; we watch it every week," shook his hand, and wished him a good night. Hello, Dad, how about "Oh, by the way, my daughter would like to marry you"? I'm not gonna lie, I have never been, and probably will never be, more jealous of my Dad.

Stay creepy, dear readers, and go watch some Chuck.

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