You Have Arrived

You're here, and I'm glad for it...even if you aren't. But I hope you soon will be.

I am a self-declared spastic Sophomore here at the University of Arizona. The basic idea behind this project is that college life is weird, wonderful, and sometimes downright awful. I started this blog because I know I'm not alone - that there are millions of people out there, spastic or not, who could use an encouraging word or humorous story now and then. If through my experiences, thoughts, and actions, I can be a conduit for joy, I'll gladly tell the world (or at least the blogosphere) of my spastic escapades.

Read on, brave patrons, and enjoy.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

October 8, 2010

     It's been a busy day at the uni. Wicked playing at Centennial Hall with all 1,400-some seats sold out, people waiting in line since before 7:00am, and local news filming. Parent Weekend kick-off on the mall. Even the wedding of a lovely Asian couple on the front lawn of Old Main, complete with three-tiered cake. And no, that last one wasn't a joke - I even saw the kiss...I clapped. The funny part is that I've never had to privilege of attending a wedding, and there I was watching the most important day in the lives of two complete strangers. I'd have felt like a creeper, but I don't suppose they would have held their wedding in the middle of a major university without the willingness to accommodate a few spectators.
     My Chemistry professor, Dr. Van Dorn (affectionately termed 'Dr. Van Dangerous,' for reasons which are abundantly clear on a daily basis), had a surprise for us today. I could smell the terror all around me within seconds of those two retched words springing onto the powerpoint: Pop Quiz. I knew then that every person  in the room felt the same way: like an innocent bunny caught in Dr. Van Dangerous' Snare of Death. Some were snagged by the leg, others by the ear...there was no question - I had it 'round my neck. I don't work well under pressure, and if I don't see that pressure coming..well, you can pretty much kiss my brain function goodbye...Which might become a problem in vet school. I should probably work on that.
     Anyway, I'll skip ahead a bit. After the papers were collected (and undoubtedly sent to a special drying rack to rid them of their tear stains..), Dr. Van Dorn announced another surprise. Don't worry, you'll like this one. She had called a student up to the front, relinquished her microphone, and announced: "Sometimes during Parent Weekend, students like to bring their parents to class. Jarrod here brought his mom - hi Jarrod's mom! Because I think that's AWESOME, Jarrod is going to show his mom how much he rocked this test."
     Watching him go through the solutions with utter ease, seeing his mom beaming with the quintessential "That's my boy" smile, quite simply made my day. Dr. Van Dorn could have gone on with the lesson and saved herself from playing catch-up for the next three lectures. Instead, she chose to brighten someone's day. It's a special thing when people go out of their way to bring joy to others. I hope with all my heart to see, and do, more things like it in the future. And that, dear readers, more than the humor behind it, is what I wanted to share.
By the way, in case anyone cares...I aced the quiz.

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